
The United States court of appeals for retrial Galaxy Tab 10.1 -- case

According to a patent dispute case apple party win the lawsuit and lead to samsung electronics company Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet PC in the United States -- a case, the United States court of appeals ruled Friday that requires local court to reconsider the case to trial. The lockup make, as early as in last month's apple and samsung electronics company between high-profile patent dispute case for up to a month before the court has made, the trial ended with apple ended a great victory.

However, the court jury found samsung electronics company did not violate can lead to Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet PC in the United States -- patents, and samsung electronics company claims the sales ban shall cancel the. The federal district court judge Lucy ko (LucyKoh) says that because of samsung electronics companies have appeal, she can't make a decision temporarily.
Washington the federal circuit court of appeal in its decision on Friday said, Lucy · ke can now to the case to reconsider. Samsung electronics is expected to company after a month will launch equipped with handwritten pen of the Galaxy Note, this is the company the second generation of the most successful one of flat computer equipment. Galaxy 10.1 is one old products, but the product in the United States -- make will still to samsung electronics company in the next key holiday shopping season damage.
Apple and three electronic company is the world's first two big intelligent mobile phone distributors, in order to fight for the market control, the two companies at present in the rapid growth in 10 countries patent dispute. In the end of the last month of a patent case trial, the decision of the court says samsung electronics company copy apple intelligent mobile phone iPhone and tablet PC iPad key functionality, and ordered samsung electronics company to apple us $1.05 billion in compensation for damages.

